The Art of Unknowing

The mind likes stability and predictability. The accumulation of knowledge confers a certain degree of order and certainty to our world. Our knowledge, which consists of deeply entrenched ideas, beliefs and assumptions, provides a frame of reference with which to judge the outside world. This approach to life would be fine insofar as all the conditions and circumstances of living remain fixed and unchanging. However, reality itself is but a succession of thoughts, actions, and events that are constantly arising, passing, and evolving, and we change with them.

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A Waking Dream

Multitasking has become a way of life in today’s fast-paced, profit-driven corporate world.  There is an assumption that efficiency and productivity are increased by having a few workers do the work of the many. 

Our performance in the workplace is tied to our job security, our material well being, and ultimately our sense of self-worth.

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