I wish, I hope, I should, I will, I am…
I wish I had a million dollars.
I hope I will have a million dollars.
I should do (what it takes) to have a million dollars.
I will do (what it takes) to have a million dollars.
I am doing (what it takes) to have a million dollars.
When you want something to be manifested in your life, all the thoughts above likely run through your mind, perhaps in that order. The first one is easy. “I wish I had a million dollars…maybe I’ll win the lottery tomorrow.” But what are the chances that you’ll win the lottery tomorrow? The second is also easy. “I hope I am going win the million-dollar jackpot tomorrow.” Again, what are the chances that this is going to happen?
While the first and second thoughts take no effort at all, the third takes a little self discipline. When you tell yourself, “I should win the lottery tomorrow,” you immediately realize that it makes no sense at all– you realize that playing the lottery is not a realistic way to get a million dollars. You realize that you need to come up with a different plan that requires a bit more effort than going to your local gas station to buy a lotto ticket.
By the fourth step you commit yourself to doing something that will allow your goal to manifest, e.g., “I will start a catering business to earn myself a million dollars.” This step requires a bit more effort than the first three because it takes commitment, planning, and research to actually start a business.
The will to manifest something in your life is far more important than a simple wish.
Still, even the fourth step is not enough because nothing has happened yet. The step that really counts is the last; it’s when you are actually doing something to get what you want. It requires by far the most effort, time, energy, and dedication.
Most of us like to indulge in the first two thoughts, but we rarely even get to the third. When we get to the point where we realize we need to actually do something to get what we want, we fall back on the first two. Consequently, we end up being full of wishes and hopes…and nothing more.
Successful people spend most of their time on the last step. They do not dwell on wishes and hopes because these thoughts take no effort at all and naturally intrude into their minds all the time throughout the course of the day. Although I brought up making a million dollars as an example of what can be realized through will power and action, the goals that you can manifest in your life can be much more valuable, like achieving optimal health or finding lasting contentment.
Related Video: Sadhguru on the Law of Attraction